Hi. We’re Nick, Brydie and Harlan Holliday, and we’re Belvedere Farm.
We grow food to be proud of on Wakka Wakka country in the South Burnett.
Our motto is simple: food, community and change. Every day, we work hard to nurture a thriving ecosystem – healthy soil, flourishing plants, clean water, contented animals and fulfilled humans.
We’re committed to building a food system worth having. One where people, animals and land are treated with dignity and respect. One where access to good food doesn’t depend on your postcode or your pay packet. It’s a big job, but we’re up for the challenge.
With zero reliance on chemicals, our holistic farm plan makes animal-centric decisions, ensuring they’re always healthy and happy. We pack and grade all of our eggs personally, and transport our pigs and cattle to the abattoir ourselves to ensure that their processing is stress-free.

Our eggs are laid by hens that live outdoors 24/7, following our cattle herd across our pastures.
They’re moved to fresh grass regularly and are fed Certified Sustainable feed. Their way of life couldn’t be more different to the “free range” birds that produce supermarket eggs.

We love our purebred Berkshire pigs, an old breed known for their incredible flavour and marbling.
They’re born outdoors and live their whole life on pasture, moving across our farm in herds, turning over grass and making way for us to plant diverse cover crops for the cattle to graze.

Grass-fed and grass-finished, that’s how we raise our Angus and Hereford cattle. They are the key species in our ecosystem here, moving across the landscape, grazing and trampling the grass, feeding soil microbes and making way for the movement of the chickens.
They’re not fed any grain or weird supplements, though they do have access to kelp and salt, which both keeps them healthy and reduces their methane emissions.